Ukrainian Language Resources
If you are raising your child in Ukrainian language, this resource list is for you. Below you will find book stores, educational websites, apps and you tube videos in Ukrainian. All of suggested resources have been tested by my family or advised by my closed friends, who are raising Ukrainian … [Read More...]

The “Need” To Speak The Language: A Lifelong Quest
The door to our 100 year old kitchen swings open. My 4 year old rushes through straight to the living room. “Mama, where is my dolly?” she asks in perfect English while dumping the whole content of the toy chest on the floor. “What did you say, lil’ bunny?” I sweetly ask in … [Read More...]

How To Motivate Your Child To Speak Second Language
Child's motivation to speak second language is like chain lube to your bike: it makes other parts of bilingual upbringing flow smoothly. Parents often say: If he would just understand how important it is to speak/read/write in [put your minority language here] he would be motivated to … [Read More...]

034 – Speech Pathologist Mary-Pat O’Malley On Language Development of Bilingual Children
Mary-Pat O'Malley is a Language and Speech Pathologist. She holds a PH degree in Linguistics in Trinity College, Ireland. She is an lecturer, author, researcher and lover of all things to do with speech, language and communications. She has over 20 years of working with families and 14 years … [Read More...]

033: Book Review: “Maximize Your Child’s Bilingual Ability” by Adam Beck
Your browser does not support the audio element. Recently I got myself a copy of Adam's Beck new book "Maximize Your Child's Bilingual Ability". Adam is originally from the USA and now lives with his family in Japan. He runs exceptionally helpful blog Bilingual Monkeys. The day I … [Read More...]

032: Why Is It Important To Support The Mother Tongue With Renata Peskova
Your browser does not support the audio element. Renata Emilson Peskova has a doctoral degree in Bayreuth University in Bavaria, Germany. She is the Chair at the Mother Tongue Association on Bilingualism. Renata lives with her German husband in Reykjavik, Iceland and has a bilingual son, … [Read More...]

031: Why Your Bilingual Child Does Not Respond Back In Minority Language
Your browser does not support the audio element. Today's question is the most popular in my blogging experience. It is been asked by so many parents of different languages, family circumstances and kids' ages. But the core of the question remains the same: Why my bilingual child does … [Read More...]

What I Love About My Bilingual Children
I love how my bilingual children can enjoy silence together. I love that my son thinks he can eat two ice-creams because he speaks two languages. I love that my bilingual baby is not afraid to practice her Ukrainian gestures (fig sign means denying request) I love that my … [Read More...]

030: How to lead by example when raising bilingual children with Mandie Davis
Your browser does not support the audio element. Mandie Davis is the founder of Les Puces Ltd. early years classes. Les Puces is a pre-school group teaching French in a natural and accessible way. She has two daughters, Willow who is bilingual and India who is trilingual. They both learned … [Read More...]

029: What Language Siblings Should Speak
Does this sound familiar? You speak your language to both of your kids, you motivate them to speak it to you, you spend a lot quality time with them but as soon as you leave the room - they start speaking majority language to each other! And that is exactly the problem one of our readers has. … [Read More...]