030: How to lead by example when raising bilingual children with Mandie Davis


Mandie Davis is the founder of Les Puces Ltd. early years classes. Les Puces is a pre-school group teaching French in a natural and accessible way. She has two daughters, Willow who is bilingual and India who is trilingual. They both learned French and German by living in those countries and being immersed in the language and culture. Neither of them had any formal lessons on language learning.

In this episode of Bilingual Kids Rock Podcast:

Why is it important to teach your child a language at such a young age?

Mandie Davis’ family language portrait

Why did she decide to create bilingual books?

The natural way of learning languages at Les Puces Ltd.

The importance of child’s interest in learning a language

Why did she create her own format for her bilingual books?

How did acquiring languages happen for her daughters?

How did she support her daughters’ languages when she went back to the UK?

What are the obstacles did she have to deal it with raising bilingual and trilingual daughters?

How can you inspire a lasting love of reading in your child?

Did she enroll her daughters in formal classes when they went back to UK?

What would be her advice for parents looking to raise bilingual kids?

Items mentioned:

Les Puces Shop

How To Raise A Bilingual Child?

Setting the Goals for Your Child’s Bilingualism

How to Foster Children’s Pride in Their Minority Culture and Language