Why I Wasn’t Excited When My Child Spoke Her First Words

Children all develop at different paces, but in general you can expect the first words to start arriving at about 12 to 18 months old.These are generally repetitions of sounds that the baby has heard many times before. But when she says it for the first time, parents become as exited as they can be: they clap hands, exclaim words of encouragement, tell everyone around about it, share it on Facebook etc. … [Read more...]


How To Read To A Toddler In Your Heritage Language

Reading together is an important part of language development for any child. It is true whether he or she is being raised bilingual or not. Before a child can read on his or her own, reading with a parent is the first exposure to written words. When your child is an infant, as we've discussed before, that connection isn't really there. They look at pictures and hear words, but they don't have the … [Read more...]


5 Tips for Reading to Bilingual Babies – Children 0 to 18 Month

Reading out loud is a crucial part of bilingual parenting.It's the primary way to link spoken words, written words,  ideas and images all together -- and it's valuable bonding time for parents, too. Infants are such an amazing listeners! They won't say no to you, they won't run away, they are not picky about what book you are reading. We as parents need to use this golden time to a full … [Read more...]


Nine Bilingual Myths That Are Crippling Your Kids

I'm not going to lie. Raising a bilingual child is HARD. But don't let that scare you - the best things in life, the things we most appreciate rarely come easy. And Bilingualism is something that will give your child a HUGE advantage in life. Parents have every right to feel a little apprehensive about the project. Fortunately, some of the most common concerns about bilingual education are … [Read more...]


Why Raise A Bilingual Child? 4 Powerful Benefits

When we moved to the USA I was very confident that my 3 year old son will continue to speak Russian. However - within months my confidence was disappearing. My son started to resist. I was surrounded by people who only spoke English. Like water flowing down the path of least resistance - he wanted to speak the language of his friends and teachers........ I thought if I just keep talking in my … [Read more...]


How To Raise A Bilingual Child? Systems Make It Simple

The key to raising a child bilingual is to have a system. That one point can't be overstated. Having a method and sticking to it is important for both you child's development and your own sanity. Just like any other skill, languages develop best when they are practiced regularly and methodically. There are several widely-used systems for bilingual parenting. We'll look at all of them here, as … [Read more...]